New Perspective of Perceptions


During and after the multi-dimensional activations that I facilitate, new perspectives of perceptions are born within.

When traveling beyond conception of time, one realizes once again, dogmas that are born within, are crucial factors of stagnation in the transformational process of existence.

Blocked from crucial factors of knowing, like inner-trust and free sight beyond our imagination, gave us nothing but sights within the box humans were programmed to exist within. When this old structure is eliminated, ones frequency rises beyond time.

People have searched, and longed for peace for a long time..always trying to find this outside of themselves.
Like they have searched for answers and salvation…outside of themselves.
Once mirrored with their inner-self, with their soul, they will see their truth lies beneath the surface. Beneath the self proclaimed limits, our mind has been blinding us with.. beneath and within.

Finding ones answers is established,
not because you are hungry to be fed by answers, but simply because you love, trust, and focus on the momentarily bliss that awaits each second of your life, which results in having clarity and therefore answers. I have shared this often, but felt the need to emphasise this once again.

Within Love, trust and this blissfulness one achieves grandeur beyond conception.
Remember; Interactions and situations only hurt you when it touches your self-confidence. When your ego gets bruised, you fill yourself up with energy that suggest more reliance upon surface, with no depth.

Let go, and let be, so you will not be caught up within stagnation again.

Feel out; stretch the old limits to a place where it is no longer needed to breathe energy within the structure that is you, as you knew, but outgrew, just because you can.

Within Love,


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