Coming Home


It has been a while since I last blogged, so I wanted to check-in with you all.

How have you been?

Did a lot change in your life?

Did you change?


I know there is a big Yes to the above last two questions. So much has changed in our world as we know it, as we experience it, and as we acknowledge it.

The new paradigm is, or should I say can be our current paradigm… our new world, of which I share about in my book Self-Awareness, Re-discovering your truth.

A world where living in the now is natural. A world where we exist for the purpose of our heart’s desires and intentions. A world where we are able and knowingly capable to walk the talk, be our truth, and rely on our heart’s intentions. A world in which we are happy, in balance and at peace with what is.

My first YouTube video ever made, was titled Welcome Home. I invite you to listen to it, even if you listened to it before; as you have a deeper understanding of the true you. Feel the words, feel the vibration as it activates layers within you that help you remember your true home inside of you.

Seek the emotional independence as you adventure through life; become in full acceptance of every true part that is you and reintegrate with them.

The long awaited online Personal Acceleration Program that I have been facilitating on location, will start in July. The dates and details will be available on During the on-location classes the participants have experienced depths untouched before, just because they were ready, and willing to set ego aside and embrace their truth.

It’s all about learning how to fully embrace the simplicity of existence again, where you will recognize your truth, your drive, purpose and completeness. Understand your boundaries, so you can erase them, and become the butterfly as you leave the restriction of the cocoon and fly to your next destination.

Beautiful scenery awaits those that are willing to see, become and embrace their truth in all of its depth of existence.

What is Your truth in the seconds that tick away? For you to discover, right here and right now; if you choose to…


Within Love,


Play the Fool

Black Panter

Play the fool, who does not know, and doesn’t fear the unknown.

Sharing the received:

Moving forward in the new paradigm construct that serves our higher purpose on this planet, brings me to the conclusion of desperation. A topic of importance today.

It’s time to call home, it is time to consider oneself as whole and not broken, it is used to be controlled by mind patter, thoughts and feelings derived from previous experiences, truths and judgments. Let’s break free from the undeniable broken self and start to rebuild the construct that can hold You beyond your wildest imagination.

Frequencies can not be denied once we admit to the flow that recalls our membrane to stagger beneath the so-called concepts of desaturation. We once knew that we were drifting off into a mine field of no tomorrows, this made you feel pushed to the edge of the time line that carries more than self-righteousness, it carries all, and within that new born revelation, you can see the end is near; program true passion where it belongs.

Many have lurked beneath the surface and yet are lost as they direct themselves continuously to the place of comfort, the place known..

Release the focus to grip on to what is known, and leap into the unknown, like a fool who does not know, and doesn’t fear the unknown. As the so-called fool will encounter the unexpected, the undecided, the unrevealed, as there are no boundaries that prevents him to meet up with the future that lies ahead to be discovered.

Be the so-called fool, and wander off into the mist that holds your destiny.

Surrender, then free yourself as the time-line has begun to surface, there were no one went, will be seen, discussed and discovered. Bring yourself forward and see within the proximity of the truth that lies within your soul’s true meaning of existing on this surface called Eritrea’s outcome. Forgiveness lies within, see, be, yet bring yourself there were limitations are no more.


Within Love,


New Paradigm – Shifting One’s Perception



Shifting our perception due to a greater understanding of existence, is what we gain through the different stages of life.

The perception of mankind has been evolving and will be evolving, as long as there is existence on this planet.

The shifts have accelerated tremendously, in the past decennia, and is increasing its pace far beyond the seen and known horizon.

Fruits of labor are gathered as we speak, planting new seeds for the next harvest… on and on we go.

Current procedures of emanation have altered its structure. We no longer long or depend on what was or what can be, just on what is. Entering this state of mind, liberates one’s visions, ways and therefore actions.

As we free ourselves from these old limitations, that held us back because of misconception, to control us, and keep our development low key, we start to see, feel, hear, exist within the new paradigm that holds its scepter of light high for all to see ahead, behind, and in front.

In other words, the energies available within the new paradigm of existence are there to nurture, activate, stimulate and assist where ever our road needs to go according to our soul’s mission.

These tasks derived from a greater source. These tasks are in line with our soul’s truth and knowing. These tasks are connected to our core of existence. These tasks translate its required action through our heart’s knowing, our heart’s intent.

In the old paradigm, the all-encompassing abilities human beings could embody, were limited, and kept to a level where control was easy to manifest by a select few.

Endless misery, grieve, and fear has nurtured these limitations, and kept them strong.

Discrimination is one of those limitations, that have been nurtured for far too long. It has intoxicated us. Hiding behind or acting upon it; has been an ability linked to lower levels of existence.

The world has known many injustices, many indifferences and many ways that did not settle wars, grieve nor pain. Like poppets on strings humanity has followed leaders, rules and believes. Some out of fear, or ignorance, others out of greed and imbalanced ways of existence. To step out of that programming, we need to rise and admit to what bridges us to the other side; the side of the unknown path of joy, love and serenity.

Rising above these limitations, injustices, indifferences, fear and pain, allows one to truly experience in the here and now, without intoxication, disruptions or devaluations.

Within Love,


New Perspective of Perceptions


During and after the multi-dimensional activations that I facilitate, new perspectives of perceptions are born within.

When traveling beyond conception of time, one realizes once again, dogmas that are born within, are crucial factors of stagnation in the transformational process of existence.

Blocked from crucial factors of knowing, like inner-trust and free sight beyond our imagination, gave us nothing but sights within the box humans were programmed to exist within. When this old structure is eliminated, ones frequency rises beyond time.

People have searched, and longed for peace for a long time..always trying to find this outside of themselves.
Like they have searched for answers and salvation…outside of themselves.
Once mirrored with their inner-self, with their soul, they will see their truth lies beneath the surface. Beneath the self proclaimed limits, our mind has been blinding us with.. beneath and within.

Finding ones answers is established,
not because you are hungry to be fed by answers, but simply because you love, trust, and focus on the momentarily bliss that awaits each second of your life, which results in having clarity and therefore answers. I have shared this often, but felt the need to emphasise this once again.

Within Love, trust and this blissfulness one achieves grandeur beyond conception.
Remember; Interactions and situations only hurt you when it touches your self-confidence. When your ego gets bruised, you fill yourself up with energy that suggest more reliance upon surface, with no depth.

Let go, and let be, so you will not be caught up within stagnation again.

Feel out; stretch the old limits to a place where it is no longer needed to breathe energy within the structure that is you, as you knew, but outgrew, just because you can.

Within Love,


What you expect, you attract

Spirit told me long time ago; Expect nothing from others. Expect the world from you..

Meaning; from a place of inner-balance and love, you learn to trust yourself, so you can start building the bridge to your next tomorrow.

Expecting from others can cause disappointment, as you never can – nor should you – control other peoples actions the way you can control yours.

When ready for a partner; Be You, so You will be loved because of you.
When ready for fulfillment; Be You, so You can recognize true fulfillment.
When ready for change; Be You, so You can Be the change.

Have a wonderful weekend ❤

Within Love,


Multi-layered Perception


The ​current transformation of humanity, is felt by those whom are ready to embrace their inner calling. The inner calling that is asking for true commitment based upon heart`s truth instead of ego dominance.

As we are in transition, from ego-based-mind, to heart-based-mind, it is key to consciously practice the heart connection.

So many thoughts, intentions and ways surrounds our daily life.

As our ego has controlled our actions for as long as we can remember,  we have been ignorant to what we are truly capable of. Blinded by the dominance of ego, that fuels our brain and blocks true connection with our inner-self, we have been walking through life for eons and eons, thinking we know, striving to exceed, fighting to rule and win.

Ego has been convincing us about the importance of owning, ruling, and claiming. We have been feeling emotions based upon deception, instead of true commitment. When I speak of True Commitment, I speak of actions based upon and encompassed by a wave of love and honesty; guided by the heart. True commitment based upon honesty and love, that carries no control led by ego. The energy and knowledge accompanied by this pure wave goes deeper, than our transforming mind can comprehend.

Take your time, be gentle with yourself, and allow yourself to becoming the loving observer.

For example; when you feel excitement about an achievement. Take a step back, and connect with your core. Connect with your heart and ask yourself: is this based upon happiness out of love, or happiness out of competitiveness? In other words, is your ego being fed, or do you remain within love?

Connect with your heart, by allowing inner-silence, no matter how loud and busy your surroundings are. Become emotional independent- see my book Xsist.

Besides our direct environment, with our family, friends, classmates, colleagues etc.., we are surrounded with the accumulated energies of our existence, the multilayered depth of our true reality, and the multidimensional vibrations of our truth; That lies beyond what captures our breath.

Our existence is linked within a structural maze, we call many things, yet is unknown to you unless you allow the core of your truth to shine.

Originated within, your sound echos forward, as you move along the ridge, that withheld you from climbing further. Deeper into the abyss, you go; so your next layer can be revealed. Once revealed, it becomes illusive to those that breathe the breath of your old self. The ones you outgrew, still appear to be by your side, yet are prone to conclude the old you, in the midst of their reality.

Within your new light, you will no longer see, what needs to be kept alive within the structure you could touch before. 
You know the accept it so you can rise and become who you were meant to be..right here and now.

As you shed the old, you can illuminate your visions to a depth unknown or touched before.

The time is here, now pull up your truth out of the swamps that no longer carry a grip..that once withheld you the time is here. Become as you release..release as you enter the new wave reality that has flown into your stratosphere and enters millions to the core of their ability. Reach out, by reclaiming your strength, your persuasions, your ability, your truths..your allies await your return.

Free yourself from thoughts that linger in your chosen surroundings. New horizons are seen within the depth of today. Eliminating stress and intrusions. Eliminate illusions that are build within a common ground projectory.

The collectives shifts its pattern alone when their truth ability has flown beyond the reach of thought and intentional behavior. Seek no more..Be within silence of truth as you accompany the ones that belong to your trail.

Within Love,


Italicized text is received from Spirit. Feel the words, as you read them.



Are you feeling the tension in the air? The anticipation of something extraordinary, something major, that will shift us to an inner-change unheard off.

There is no return, only forward movement in this mist of change, that will become clear once the moon has danced off into the horizon.

Anxiety beating at your door? Unwanted visitors, on many levels of existence, trying to pester you and disturb your peace?

Stay calm, radiate your inner light; shine with no regrets, hesitation, nor doubt. Shine because you can.

Feel your inner powers rising as you embrace your true self.

Your inner rhythm is shifting towards unfamiliar grounds. Deeper sensitivity, deeper knowing, deeper sense of being.

Be with the ones You Love, Do the things You Love, Be the one You Love.

Your frequency shifts into a sound that illuminates your environment. As your environment adapts to your song; keep singing it, as you acknowledge it fully.

Sing, Embrace, and Become; You.


Within Love,



Purifying the Bricks of our Being


The power of love is the fabric of our existence that has been keeping us going, helping us grow, mature and evolve into the human beings we are today, and will be tomorrow.

Awakening comes when the mind control is disconnected form the expectancy of what could be, but is not.

For centuries, we have been building on a foundation that has been fed by confined ways of thinking. Bricks laid within this foundation, are of a substance that holds no power, when moving forward on our road to awakening. The substance of these bricks is filled with disbelieve, in ourselves and others, hatred, for ourselves and others, doubt, in ourselves and others, fear, pain and sadness on many levels, for ourselves and others; all held together by the power of love.

Within every brick that holds our foundation together, valuable lessons are interwoven, keeping the bricks together, and connecting the bricks. These bricks are our foundation, from which we gather understanding, strength, and downfalls. The love that flows though it, is resilient and ever expanding; once it’s fed, instead of tempered by our thoughts, actions, believes, and evolving truth.

Clearing of old ways, believes, promises and downfalls is important in these times of accelerated transformation. Breaking through these old cycles of existence can be done, when one allows oneself to alter one’s ways of perceiving.

What does that mean?

One will perceive differently, when one removes disbelieve, connects to the heart and just is.

When we lose the need to justify our actions, when we rid ourselves from preconceived notions, we become closer to our inner-source, as it will create inner-peace, inner-silence, thus inner-knowing.

Once the deeper inner-connection is established, one will automatically start feeling the deeper connection with others, and all that is.

We will not need to receive proof from others, because we are able to feel proof.

We will not need to justify our thoughts and believes to ourselves and others, because we have the full connection, trust and peace within ourselves, that allows us to be free.

Place your intent to shine your light, and purify the bricks of your existence, by becoming one with the love that is you.

 Happy Trails!

Within Love,




Inner Calling

Photo_0C2BCBE2-2F9E-DC49-67B2-704C970BFB3BWe are the product of time, we are the product of humanity; as they were and who they are becoming.

We are informed within our light bodies, informed about where to go, what to absorb, what to accumulate, who to be.

We are co-creators, lead by our higher selves, stirred by higher beings, guided by the ones that we have chosen to allow the task of guidance, held together by the greater plan.

Have you heard your calling?

Step into the time that has no ending and emerge yourself within the knowledge of your true self.

You are, as I am, as they are. We Are One.
Linked, connected and bonded by life’s choice, by life’s essence.
Visit your past, visit your future, learn and bring understanding in the present that will allow further growth on a path that is straight without burdens or pain. A path chosen by our heart’s desires.

Within Love,


Truth within Simplicity

Are you truthful enough to allow yourself to be truthful? This question keeps popping up in my work with others, whom are ready to embrace their next transformation in life. It has been an important focus point, in these times of change.
We seek for answers on our endless questions, like a thirsty warrior, lost in a desert storm, searching for water.

When answers come our way, we take them in, ready and anxious to seek for other answers, on questions that seem to appear out of nowhere.

Craving, needing and wanting…

The simpler the answer seems, the harder we search for more completeness. Completeness longed for guided by our inner-turmoil, curiosity, and inner-imbalances.
Questions followed often by distractive searching.

Why distractive?
Distractive, as we search without understanding the source of our need to know first.
Why is it important to know? Why does it makes you restless? Why does it makes you anxious?

Figure it out, and reassess your need to know. As to become, we surrender to what is. To allow what is, is to achieve serenity within. To achieve serenity within, is to embrace the whole self. To embrace the whole self, is to love the whole self, so the truth is allowed to be seen.

Within our truth lies simplicity; through simplicity we will recognize the key to the doors that lead to All that is.

We are love…to know yourself, is to love yourself.

Now let me ask you, again; Are you truthful enough, to allow yourself to be truthful?

Much Love,