Current Shifts

Happy Sunday!Light of a New Day Color

The major shift I spoke of a couple of weeks ago, has been engulfing people’s awareness, actions and perspectives. Many among you feel a stranger to their environment, relationships and even to themselves. Whether it’s experienced as for the better or not, has to do with where you are in life. Where you are in life has to do with what you have embraced, released out and/or integrated into your truth and perception.

A lot of anxiety is experienced among people right now. Breathe..Ground yourself..Love yourself..and know that what we fear or worry about will not change by us fearing it or fueling it with why do it. Let go and let be, and know that you can decide what to do in the moments given; to act upon the situation at hand in your best possible way, or not.

Becoming aware of Self on every level is key.

Allow yourself the time, silence and space to do so.

Happy trails đź’–

Within Love,


Checking in…


A powerful morning to you all! Are you feeling the sense of wonder around you? Another major shift is at our doorstep. Be brave enough to invite it in ❤
Big shifts I have the pleasure in experiencing in my current classes. Know that letting go of the outgrown allows you to invite back what’s yours to begin with. Allow that newly found space to be refilled with the purity of Self, that once was neglected, ignored, pushed away, or allowed to be taken from you.

We all are able to unraffle the so called mysteries of Self and Life. Question is: Do I allow myself the space, time and energy to do so?

The energies that are pulsing into our atmosphere are stimulating you to listen, and are inviting you into the next level of consciousness. Happy trails ❤

Until we meet again!

Within Love,


Finding What’s Best for Us

Finding what is best for us, doesn’t always requires seeking.

Finding what is best of us doesn’t always makes us instantly happy

Finding what is best for us often asks for forgiveness of our past actions, beliefs and feelings.

Finding what is best for us requires an open heart and love for self.

Finding what is best of us can only be found if we allow ourselves to recognize the given, the received and the accomplished.

When we start acting, giving and creating what’s best for us, from the heart; the interactions, gifts and creations we naturally will receive in return will be best for us.

Within Love,




Update: Year of Acceleration toward Multi-Dimensional Awareness

print1At the beginning of the year my guidance shared with me that this year would be the year of acceleration. How has it been going for you so far?

Amazing shifts within people I have been able to witness this year, for which I am grateful and excited. Excited for the future that’s in store for mankind, as willingness to change has been shown and will only grow as each and everyone of you will share your light, insights and love on your ongoing journey of existence.

A few more months are left. What is your heart choice for these last months of the year?

Have you embraced your highest potential? Or are you working towards this, but don’t know how to truly break free from the conditioning that you have allowed to maintain the controlling factor in your life.

You highest potential, can and will change each time you allow yourself to further broaden your horizon, as your potential goes beyond your wildest imagination.

Do you believe you are putting in the effort, yet do not see the results?

Are you trying so hard to release the old, yet nothing changes?

Often people work on mentally releasing old patterns and ways with minor results. They are so fed up with having to face these same old lessons, over and over again, and are fighting to release, in any way they find on their restless search for release.

Releasing old patterns and ways from a place of love for Self can instantly show results, so the question I would like to ask you – again: Do you love yourself enough to embrace Your truth? Yes Yours, and not the other person(s), whom have you have allowed to control your thoughts, actions and ways. I am talking about Your truth that lies within your heart and is awaiting acknowledgement, so it can further accelerate your level of consciousness.

Inner-transformation on our road to multi-dimensional awareness, starts when we are starting to embrace true love for self.

No buts, or whys, just because.

Keep it simple, keep it truthful and enjoy your journey.


Within Love,


Coming Home


It has been a while since I last blogged, so I wanted to check-in with you all.

How have you been?

Did a lot change in your life?

Did you change?


I know there is a big Yes to the above last two questions. So much has changed in our world as we know it, as we experience it, and as we acknowledge it.

The new paradigm is, or should I say can be our current paradigm… our new world, of which I share about in my book Self-Awareness, Re-discovering your truth.

A world where living in the now is natural. A world where we exist for the purpose of our heart’s desires and intentions. A world where we are able and knowingly capable to walk the talk, be our truth, and rely on our heart’s intentions. A world in which we are happy, in balance and at peace with what is.

My first YouTube video ever made, was titled Welcome Home. I invite you to listen to it, even if you listened to it before; as you have a deeper understanding of the true you. Feel the words, feel the vibration as it activates layers within you that help you remember your true home inside of you.

Seek the emotional independence as you adventure through life; become in full acceptance of every true part that is you and reintegrate with them.

The long awaited online Personal Acceleration Program that I have been facilitating on location, will start in July. The dates and details will be available on During the on-location classes the participants have experienced depths untouched before, just because they were ready, and willing to set ego aside and embrace their truth.

It’s all about learning how to fully embrace the simplicity of existence again, where you will recognize your truth, your drive, purpose and completeness. Understand your boundaries, so you can erase them, and become the butterfly as you leave the restriction of the cocoon and fly to your next destination.

Beautiful scenery awaits those that are willing to see, become and embrace their truth in all of its depth of existence.

What is Your truth in the seconds that tick away? For you to discover, right here and right now; if you choose to…


Within Love,


When Myths Become Reality

Happy New Year!


A new year, a new month; starting with a full moon and ending with one. The second full moon in one month, is called a blue moon. A very powerful time were stagnation doesn’t have a place. During the time of the new moon new tasks, opportunities, and choices come to light. This story unfolds and comes to completion during the Full Moon. A completion measured by ones effort, intention, pace and destiny.

Today, January 1, 2018;
What has come to completion for you today?
How do you want it to pan out for you going onwards?
What can you improve, alter, accelerate in the best way possible?
Why is it important?

Take a few moments to consciously connect with your essence and surroundings, when needed, so you can recenter and balance your thoughts, feelings and goals again.

What truly needs to be understood within, when you try to justify yourself, so you can set yourself free.

Bust through the vicious circle, and manifest change from the heart.

Have an amazing, sparkly and joyous first day of the year đź’ś

Within Love,


August is here…


Hi Everyone,

August is here. A month that will finalize, what many started at the beginning of 2017.

Thoughts, ideas, decisions, perceptions, and knowledge about whatever was important for you to connect with, has developed itself into a concrete substance, and became or will become tangible, and fully understood.

Two days ago an energetic explosion took place within. An eruption that pushed the foretold to the surface.

It left one hazy, far from sharp and mental clarity, as full integration took its form and place.
Leaving us feeling a stranger to our own known rhythm. We exchanged our old rhythm with the new more evolved one. A rhythm of higher frequency, thus ability and strength.

Dazed it left many, as they were doing their routine or needed work. I had my monthly Inner Journey Event planned, and found it hard to stay structured and clear. I decided not to fight it and went on in the way that felt best. The interconnection session finalized the evening and the angelic realm shared their message. They wanted the participants to experience their connection with them, so they would recognize it when available. More was shared, but not remembered by me, due to the channel state of mind, that doesn’t absorb much, as it functions as a conduit.

The topic of this month was Gateway keepers and the Grid of our Universe. Spirit guided me to share about this a couple of months ago, as it was time. They shared information about this topic spread over time, starting in 1999, but mainly in 2007.

It was time to bring light and a deeper understanding to this topic. I am going to work on creating a video and presentation to share this, more in detail, with those that are interested soon.

Exciting times are on our doorstep. Meet me on the 21st to ignite your inner Dragon.
If you don’t live in Oklahoma, but would love to attend and experience a journey to your inner Dragon, let me know. Long distance sessions through phone or Skype can be done as well.

Have a wonderful, adventurous month, just because you can.

Until we meet again!

Within Love,



Checking in

So how is everyone feeling? What have you experienced these past weeks, and what are you experiencing now?

These are times of extremes, times of change, and restructuring.
I have been re-organizing, and getting things back on track again. I went through old writings/journals as many messages that were given to me years ago, are relevant for many today. I still have to retrieve some, that I remember I wrote in the past…

On a side note; I also figured out that the article that I read in my interview with Carl Johan Calleman, about Mind Transformation, was actually written in May of 2011, instead of 09/2013. That makes a lot of sense. If you haven’t listen to this interview yet, it is available in my radio archive on

The reason why I am feeling drawn to get things organized, is because there is much to share, teach and learn in these fast moving times. No time to waste.

If you have questions, about your own personal path of transformation, join us Sunday 2/26 at 1pm CST, in the Truth Warriors Unite Gathering. A free gathering of like-minded ones, on Skype, to discuss change, roadblocks and future steps on our journey called life. For more info see events on

For now, share your experience, if you feel it may be of help to others.

Happy Trails!

Much Love,