Update: Year of Acceleration toward Multi-Dimensional Awareness

print1At the beginning of the year my guidance shared with me that this year would be the year of acceleration. How has it been going for you so far?

Amazing shifts within people I have been able to witness this year, for which I am grateful and excited. Excited for the future that’s in store for mankind, as willingness to change has been shown and will only grow as each and everyone of you will share your light, insights and love on your ongoing journey of existence.

A few more months are left. What is your heart choice for these last months of the year?

Have you embraced your highest potential? Or are you working towards this, but don’t know how to truly break free from the conditioning that you have allowed to maintain the controlling factor in your life.

You highest potential, can and will change each time you allow yourself to further broaden your horizon, as your potential goes beyond your wildest imagination.

Do you believe you are putting in the effort, yet do not see the results?

Are you trying so hard to release the old, yet nothing changes?

Often people work on mentally releasing old patterns and ways with minor results. They are so fed up with having to face these same old lessons, over and over again, and are fighting to release, in any way they find on their restless search for release.

Releasing old patterns and ways from a place of love for Self can instantly show results, so the question I would like to ask you – again: Do you love yourself enough to embrace Your truth? Yes Yours, and not the other person(s), whom have you have allowed to control your thoughts, actions and ways. I am talking about Your truth that lies within your heart and is awaiting acknowledgement, so it can further accelerate your level of consciousness.

Inner-transformation on our road to multi-dimensional awareness, starts when we are starting to embrace true love for self.

No buts, or whys, just because.

Keep it simple, keep it truthful and enjoy your journey.


Within Love,



