Current Shifts

Happy Sunday!Light of a New Day Color

The major shift I spoke of a couple of weeks ago, has been engulfing people’s awareness, actions and perspectives. Many among you feel a stranger to their environment, relationships and even to themselves. Whether it’s experienced as for the better or not, has to do with where you are in life. Where you are in life has to do with what you have embraced, released out and/or integrated into your truth and perception.

A lot of anxiety is experienced among people right now. Breathe..Ground yourself..Love yourself..and know that what we fear or worry about will not change by us fearing it or fueling it with why do it. Let go and let be, and know that you can decide what to do in the moments given; to act upon the situation at hand in your best possible way, or not.

Becoming aware of Self on every level is key.

Allow yourself the time, silence and space to do so.

Happy trails đź’–

Within Love,


Checking in…


A powerful morning to you all! Are you feeling the sense of wonder around you? Another major shift is at our doorstep. Be brave enough to invite it in ❤
Big shifts I have the pleasure in experiencing in my current classes. Know that letting go of the outgrown allows you to invite back what’s yours to begin with. Allow that newly found space to be refilled with the purity of Self, that once was neglected, ignored, pushed away, or allowed to be taken from you.

We all are able to unraffle the so called mysteries of Self and Life. Question is: Do I allow myself the space, time and energy to do so?

The energies that are pulsing into our atmosphere are stimulating you to listen, and are inviting you into the next level of consciousness. Happy trails ❤

Until we meet again!

Within Love,


Update: Year of Acceleration toward Multi-Dimensional Awareness

print1At the beginning of the year my guidance shared with me that this year would be the year of acceleration. How has it been going for you so far?

Amazing shifts within people I have been able to witness this year, for which I am grateful and excited. Excited for the future that’s in store for mankind, as willingness to change has been shown and will only grow as each and everyone of you will share your light, insights and love on your ongoing journey of existence.

A few more months are left. What is your heart choice for these last months of the year?

Have you embraced your highest potential? Or are you working towards this, but don’t know how to truly break free from the conditioning that you have allowed to maintain the controlling factor in your life.

You highest potential, can and will change each time you allow yourself to further broaden your horizon, as your potential goes beyond your wildest imagination.

Do you believe you are putting in the effort, yet do not see the results?

Are you trying so hard to release the old, yet nothing changes?

Often people work on mentally releasing old patterns and ways with minor results. They are so fed up with having to face these same old lessons, over and over again, and are fighting to release, in any way they find on their restless search for release.

Releasing old patterns and ways from a place of love for Self can instantly show results, so the question I would like to ask you – again: Do you love yourself enough to embrace Your truth? Yes Yours, and not the other person(s), whom have you have allowed to control your thoughts, actions and ways. I am talking about Your truth that lies within your heart and is awaiting acknowledgement, so it can further accelerate your level of consciousness.

Inner-transformation on our road to multi-dimensional awareness, starts when we are starting to embrace true love for self.

No buts, or whys, just because.

Keep it simple, keep it truthful and enjoy your journey.


Within Love,


What We Embrace Will Not Be Erased  

Mankind has been emotional beings; we embrace emotions that can shift from high to low. Emotions that form our decisions, perception and believes, and therefore form our lives.

Our conscious memory plays a big part in our day to day living, and so does our sub-conscious memory. When going through grieve and pain due to loss, our experience is not only based upon the moment or the recent past, it is based upon eons of experiences, engraved in our DNA. How we addressed loss or how we are addressing loss is based upon how we admit to our instincts, our familiarity with actions and inter-actions, our needs, wants, believes, knowing and truth.

What truth do we harbor, nurture and keep alive? Where is that truth based upon? Does that truth still live in your heart?

If not, why don’t we alter that believe, and release that truth out of our thoughts, actions and focus?

Allowing pain to rise and digest is important. While doing this, remain within Love, always.

Ask yourself:
What are the facts?
What is my intention?
What is required to reach that intention, in a healthy, loving and balanced way?
What is preventing me to do so?

Addressing these points in an honest way, will help us shift our perspective and therefore our perception.

Addressing these points from a place of love, will prevent unnecessary loss of energy, due to stress and worrying.

How can worrying be a part of life, when we will act in the moment, exist in the moment and allow ourselves to thrive within the true light that is our own, second by second?

Among many other things, we will be shifting in addressing grieve and pain due to loss, as we become more self-aware; as we allow ourselves to enter the new paradigm, where one lives within the moment, in balance and within love for self and all that is.

Find loving, resolving and constructive ways, and stay away from destructive ones, just because you can.

Remember; what we embrace will not be erased. If we harbor stress, grieve and pain, we nurture stress, grieve and pain. If we expect the worse, the worse will be recognized and experienced. If we expect solutions, we will look close enough to recognize solutions. No matter where we are, or who is around us, we have ourselves to lead the way.

Ignite your light dear ones, simply by loving Self and allowing love to nurture our actions and interactions.

Happy Trails,


Within Love,



Utilizing the Energetic Powers Within


Happy Sunday to you all!

I am going to share below, what Spirit shared with me recently:

People don’t know how to utilize the energetic powers within their existence. Now that the frequency is elevating beyond their perception, dire straits are encompassing their believes, that holds no concept of the truth untold.

How has your understanding of life altered, in these times of change? Are you more at peace? Easier balanced out? Or more on the edge, irritable and annoyed by others?

Do you feel at comfort within your choices? Or are you in doubt, and looking for answers?

As your sensitivity is expanding, how are you holding up? Is the environment hostile, manipulative and controlling? Or is it a loving place, with freedom to explore?

These are questions you may want to ask yourself. As the timeline as we know it, has come to an ending. New grounds are walked on, with greater perspectives of ones mission, ones true tasks and responsibilities.

Yes, it is a choice to allow yourself to sense this and experience this. Yes, it is a trial, if you make it one.
When irritation pops up; ask yourself what issue is truly playing out within to make you irritable? What can you do for Yourself, to be at peace within? What old baggage is rising up again to make you aware of your imbalanced behavior? Did you let go, when you needed to let go?

Remember, it is never about others, it is always about you. Your believes, your truth, your intentions… Make them pure, and purity will surround you.

Yes, darkness and light is within the ones that surrounds us. It is up to you what you let in and affects you positively or negatively.

It’s only a problem if you make it yours, dear ones.
Preparation to stand your grounds within turmoil and distractions are being made consciously, by the ones that choose to be aware. Becoming aware of themselves and aware of others that have an effect on them.

Being truthful to allow yourself to be truthful as your search for answers is ignited, will steer you on wards on your path. Without delusions, you will delve within and see your true pain, fear and splendor. So you can deal with that in a positive constructive way.

For yourself, and to yourself; Forgive and let live.

Make it a journey you can and will always embrace, as you honor your choices and allow yourself to rise within the structure that’s you, just because you can.

Within Love,



Returning Home

20180226_130546I finished this painting today.
It is a painting that has been following me for a while. With that I mean, over a course of at least a month, I have been receiving images of this painting at random. Images as visions. Yesterday it was time for me to create it, and as it came to completion today, I am happy to share it with you. Feel what you feel, after connecting to your heart.

Title of this painting is Returning Home. The message that came with it is: Your Inner-Light is calling you home.
This is the energy and reminders that has been surrounding us, and will be in the next month or so stronger day by day. Take in what you allow, and journey on .

Returning Home is not a physical journey, it is an inner-journey that one can take, when they allow silence within. Within this serenity you can connect with your truth, your rhythm, your song, and once you have allowed to embrace your song fully again, you will be ready for the next step, that will lead you to your edge of knowing.

You are invited to enter the unknown, and remain within silence as you embrace the depth of existence.

The journey home will be understood, once you leap, in full connection with your heart, into the unknown, where the depth of all depths awaits your arrival.

My first YouTube movie was a movie about Coming Home. The link to my channel is on my Xsist website. I invite you to listen back to that as you explore your personal depth of existence.

Happy Trails.

Within Love,


New Paradigm – Shifting One’s Perception



Shifting our perception due to a greater understanding of existence, is what we gain through the different stages of life.

The perception of mankind has been evolving and will be evolving, as long as there is existence on this planet.

The shifts have accelerated tremendously, in the past decennia, and is increasing its pace far beyond the seen and known horizon.

Fruits of labor are gathered as we speak, planting new seeds for the next harvest… on and on we go.

Current procedures of emanation have altered its structure. We no longer long or depend on what was or what can be, just on what is. Entering this state of mind, liberates one’s visions, ways and therefore actions.

As we free ourselves from these old limitations, that held us back because of misconception, to control us, and keep our development low key, we start to see, feel, hear, exist within the new paradigm that holds its scepter of light high for all to see ahead, behind, and in front.

In other words, the energies available within the new paradigm of existence are there to nurture, activate, stimulate and assist where ever our road needs to go according to our soul’s mission.

These tasks derived from a greater source. These tasks are in line with our soul’s truth and knowing. These tasks are connected to our core of existence. These tasks translate its required action through our heart’s knowing, our heart’s intent.

In the old paradigm, the all-encompassing abilities human beings could embody, were limited, and kept to a level where control was easy to manifest by a select few.

Endless misery, grieve, and fear has nurtured these limitations, and kept them strong.

Discrimination is one of those limitations, that have been nurtured for far too long. It has intoxicated us. Hiding behind or acting upon it; has been an ability linked to lower levels of existence.

The world has known many injustices, many indifferences and many ways that did not settle wars, grieve nor pain. Like poppets on strings humanity has followed leaders, rules and believes. Some out of fear, or ignorance, others out of greed and imbalanced ways of existence. To step out of that programming, we need to rise and admit to what bridges us to the other side; the side of the unknown path of joy, love and serenity.

Rising above these limitations, injustices, indifferences, fear and pain, allows one to truly experience in the here and now, without intoxication, disruptions or devaluations.

Within Love,


Happy New Year!


A new year, a new month; starting with a full moon and ending with one. The second full moon in one month, is called a blue moon. A very powerful time were stagnation doesn’t have a place. During the time of the new moon new tasks, opportunities, and choices come to light. This story unfolds and comes to completion during the Full Moon. A completion measured by ones effort, intention, pace and destiny.

Today, January 1, 2018;
What has come to completion for you today?
How do you want it to pan out for you going onwards?
What can you improve, alter, accelerate in the best way possible?
Why is it important?

Take a few moments to consciously connect with your essence and surroundings, when needed, so you can recenter and balance your thoughts, feelings and goals again.

What truly needs to be understood within, when you try to justify yourself, so you can set yourself free.

Bust through the vicious circle, and manifest change from the heart.

Have an amazing, sparkly and joyous first day of the year đź’ś

Within Love,


New Perspective of Perceptions


During and after the multi-dimensional activations that I facilitate, new perspectives of perceptions are born within.

When traveling beyond conception of time, one realizes once again, dogmas that are born within, are crucial factors of stagnation in the transformational process of existence.

Blocked from crucial factors of knowing, like inner-trust and free sight beyond our imagination, gave us nothing but sights within the box humans were programmed to exist within. When this old structure is eliminated, ones frequency rises beyond time.

People have searched, and longed for peace for a long time..always trying to find this outside of themselves.
Like they have searched for answers and salvation…outside of themselves.
Once mirrored with their inner-self, with their soul, they will see their truth lies beneath the surface. Beneath the self proclaimed limits, our mind has been blinding us with.. beneath and within.

Finding ones answers is established,
not because you are hungry to be fed by answers, but simply because you love, trust, and focus on the momentarily bliss that awaits each second of your life, which results in having clarity and therefore answers. I have shared this often, but felt the need to emphasise this once again.

Within Love, trust and this blissfulness one achieves grandeur beyond conception.
Remember; Interactions and situations only hurt you when it touches your self-confidence. When your ego gets bruised, you fill yourself up with energy that suggest more reliance upon surface, with no depth.

Let go, and let be, so you will not be caught up within stagnation again.

Feel out; stretch the old limits to a place where it is no longer needed to breathe energy within the structure that is you, as you knew, but outgrew, just because you can.

Within Love,


Staying Pure

Stay Pure

No matter what is on your path, your daily tasks, wishes and expectations. Stay pure. Don’t drift off to blinding sacrifices led by greed, selfishness or indifferences.

Stay Pure When arriving at a new crossroad, find your next step, by connecting with your heart’s truth. Make decisions based upon balance, love and trust within yourself and for yourself.

Stay Pure
Know what you want to achieve in life, but more importantly, why you want to. Be truthful enough to allow yourself to be truthful, so you can see the deeper meaning, conditioning, and solution.

Stay Pure

Within Love,