August is here…


Hi Everyone,

August is here. A month that will finalize, what many started at the beginning of 2017.

Thoughts, ideas, decisions, perceptions, and knowledge about whatever was important for you to connect with, has developed itself into a concrete substance, and became or will become tangible, and fully understood.

Two days ago an energetic explosion took place within. An eruption that pushed the foretold to the surface.

It left one hazy, far from sharp and mental clarity, as full integration took its form and place.
Leaving us feeling a stranger to our own known rhythm. We exchanged our old rhythm with the new more evolved one. A rhythm of higher frequency, thus ability and strength.

Dazed it left many, as they were doing their routine or needed work. I had my monthly Inner Journey Event planned, and found it hard to stay structured and clear. I decided not to fight it and went on in the way that felt best. The interconnection session finalized the evening and the angelic realm shared their message. They wanted the participants to experience their connection with them, so they would recognize it when available. More was shared, but not remembered by me, due to the channel state of mind, that doesn’t absorb much, as it functions as a conduit.

The topic of this month was Gateway keepers and the Grid of our Universe. Spirit guided me to share about this a couple of months ago, as it was time. They shared information about this topic spread over time, starting in 1999, but mainly in 2007.

It was time to bring light and a deeper understanding to this topic. I am going to work on creating a video and presentation to share this, more in detail, with those that are interested soon.

Exciting times are on our doorstep. Meet me on the 21st to ignite your inner Dragon.
If you don’t live in Oklahoma, but would love to attend and experience a journey to your inner Dragon, let me know. Long distance sessions through phone or Skype can be done as well.

Have a wonderful, adventurous month, just because you can.

Until we meet again!

Within Love,



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